Napier (Formerly Karishma Software Ltd)) participated in the three-day international conference and exhibition, which is a unique platform for knowledge sharing in Healthcare IT for development and facilitates multi-stakeholder partnerships and networking among governments, industry, academia and civil society organisations of different countries, including the host country- India. The objective is to bring together ICT experts, practitioners, business leaders and stakeholders of the region onto one platform, through keynote addresses, paper presentations, thematic workshops and exhibitions. In short, the event provides an excellent opportunity for participants to interact with a wide and diverse development community. eINDIA 2009, through its five seminal conferences, will focus on five emerging application domains of ICT for Development – e-Government, ICT in Education, ICT and Rural Development and ICT enabled Health services. The five conferences – namely:
egov India
Digital learning India
Indian Telecentre Forum
eHealth India
eAgriculture India
The event will allow people and organisations working in apparently isolated domains of ICTD, to engage in mutual experience sharing and enable them to build an understanding of convergent issues in development. The eINDIA platform has brought together experts not only from India and Asia, but also from other continents, including Africa, Latin America, Europe and North America. The cross-country sharing of experiences and regional specificities has always ensured that new and possible collaborations are discussed and forged.
eINDIA 2009 will also serve as an exhibition host to some of the latest e-solutions, services, initiatives and case studies from across India and beyond. Over 120 exhibitors from professional service providers, technology vendors, consulting firms, government agencies and national/international development organizations will participate in the exhibition.