d iLTC 20.1 General Availability Announcement – Napier Healthcare

iLTC 20.1 Latest Updates

Napier Intermediate and Long-Term Care (iLTC) 20.1 is generally available to all customers from May 2020 onwards. 

Napier iLTC 20.1 addresses key challenges faced by many iLTC customers in Australia & Singapore. It now allows Customers to manage multiple business with a Patient Centred approach. 

Customers can seamlessly switch between Residential Care, Day Care and Home Care without having to lose the Patient journey during the switch. This provide an unparalled experience and delivers a Continuum of Care and drives Patient satisfaction and NOK ratings.

Take a moment to discover some of the exciting features:

Homecare Provider and Allied Care Provider Workflows:

Configure Homecare Provider (HCP) vs Allied Care Provider (ACP) customers on a multi-tenant instance; Configure workflows such as client’s HCP level, income subsidy etc.


Homecare Provider VS Allied Care Provider Billing flows:

Homecare billing can be auto applied as HCP or ACP, as applicable. Various billing rules can be configured at the Organisation level. Auto generate monthly/periodical invoices and statements for HCP clients. Apply discounts for certain services and configure GST rules.

CRM(Customer Relationship Management):

Configure Enquiry Forms, capture enquiries and/or referrals; Configurable workflows starting from acceptance to enrollment.

Scheduler Enhancements:

Schedule visits with multiple staff to provide necessary care; drag and drop from calendar to reschedule appointments and configure resource allocation matrix.

Multi-Care Episode:

Create care episodes by service types such as dementia, physiotherapy etc. Users can configures various billing and care plan by episodes.

Configurable report templates:

Configure report template; extract information from client’s record, assessment outcomes, and capture special notes on reports.

Funder Configurations:

Configure various funders as well as Funder specific rules.

Scheduling now becomes a breeze. We have included a simple and easy to use drag and drop function from the calendar which makes tasks like schedule creation even easier. Users can configure their report template, care episode or even workflow such as HCP levels, based on their needs.

This is indeed another milestone worth celebrating in our iLTC product journey, and we hope that these newly released features will help the Eldercare operators to achieve greater operational, financial and clinical benefits.

Learn how Napier iLTC can help your organization reduce costs and improve health care delivery outcomes.
Contact us for more information at info@napierhealthcare.com