Napier’s care platform offers a robust care and wellness management set of services that spans the full continuum from day, village, respite, home, residential, Nursing, clinic and Acute care
Delivered with tailored workflows to support clinical, allied & wellness care plans with complete end-to-end client management, supporting the full lifecycle management between different care settings including scheduling, billing and many more, powered by AI.
Napier ADCWS software solution supports across a variety of community-based programs, including:
- Adult day care providers
- Home providers
- Assisted living facilities
- Residential care communities
- Case management and care management
- Psychiatric Rehabilitation Programs
- Disability and Dementia care
Solution Requirements
With $8 billion in annual revenue nationwide, and more than 200,000 employees at about 15,000 care facilities, the adult day care industry is competing against other forms of senior assistance. Napier ADS provides State of Art, care & health IT system, for Adult Day Care providers
Business Impact
All while it delivers:
- Improved quality and consistency
- Resource optimization
- Better care and resident satisfaction
- Data-Driven Insights
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